Major Auto Accident Claims Life Of Waynesboro Man Along Route 250 In Afton : Update

Photo courtesy of CBS-19 Charlottesville: Albemarle County Police reroute traffic heading westbound on Route 250 down Route 151 away from a serious crash Thursday evening - August 14, 2014.
Photo courtesy of CBS-19 Charlottesville: Albemarle County Police reroute traffic heading westbound on Route 250 down Route 151 away from a serious crash Thursday evening – August 14, 2014.

Rockfish Gap Turnpike
Afton, VA

Around 9PM Albermarle County Police tweeted the following statement:
“Update-1 confirmed fatality from the crash at 250 & 151. No other injuries reported. Highway will remain closed indefinitely. Expect delays.”

As of 7:30 PM Thursday evening multiple law and rescue agencies are on the scene of a major auto accident on Route 250 at Little Rock Lane in Afton, Virginia. Reports indicate a semi truck and a van collided. The accident is described as very serious.

Via Google Maps : The map above shows the area where the accident scene has Route 250 closed down due to a serious auto crash.
Via Google Maps : The map above shows the area where the accident scene has Route 250 closed down due to a serious auto crash. Click to enlarge.

“Traffic alert- Rt250 at Rt151 near Nelson County closed indefinitely. We’re working a serious crash involving a tractor trailer & 2 vehicles,” was posted by the Albemarle County Police on their Twitter feed.

Route 250 has been closed in both directions where the accident happened near the Albemarle / Nelson Line. Traffic is being rerouted around the accident scene by way of Route 6 Afton Mountain Road.

Diane Givens told us via Facebook, “Backed up to the 64 exit top of Afton Mtn.” Numerous other motorists report similar traffic problems in the area around 7:30 PM Thursday evening.

An alternate traffic route is highly recommended if you are traveling in the area.

The road is expected to be shutdown for much of the evening.

More as we know.


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