$1000 Dollar Gift Winner Drawn Tuesday Night @ DBBC! : 12.2.09

©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : DBBC Asst Manager, Joe Richardson, closes his eyes and fishes out the winning card. DBBC Marketing Director, Heidi Crandall (left) Peter Farley of Wintergreen Real Estate and Tim Hess of WRE look on as the card is drawn.
©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : DBBC Asst Manager, Joe Richardson, closes his eyes and fishes out the winning card. DBBC Marketing Director, Heidi Crandall (left) Peter Farley of Wintergreen Real Estate and Tim Hess of WREC look on as the card is drawn.

Nelson County, Virginia

Just in time for Christmas! Sandra Manning of Charlottesville was the lucky winner Tuesday night of a $1000.00 Devils Backbone Brewing Company gift card. The card was part of a joint promotion between the brewery, Tectonics II and Wintergreen Real Estate Company. “You’re kidding, I have never won anything in my life,” Sandra told Heidi Crandall after calling to let her know she was the winner. Sandra along with her friends and family frequently come to brewery to relax.

Assistant Manager at DBBC, Joe Richardson, digs way deep for the winning 1K card!
Assistant Manager at DBBC, Joe Richardson, digs way deep for the winning 1K card!

“It was a $1000.00 gift card that we offered through DBBC, Tectonics II & Wintergreen Real Estate for people who viewed the Glen Mary model. After leaving the brewery they would come over and deposit the card at the model. We did this for about two months and tonight’s drawing was a culmination of that,” says Tim Hess, co-owner of Wintergreen Real Estate in Nellysford.

“You’ve made my day, now I can go do my work with a smile on my face,” Sandra continued.

Bet we know where Sandra will be spending lots of her winter!



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