CVEC Preps For Likely Winter Storm


Nelson County, Virginia

The CVEC territory is currently under a Winter Storm Warning, with a mixture of snow, ice, wind, and freezing temperatures heading our way. These conditions can bring down trees, topple utility poles, and cause extended power outages.

CVEC is making preparations, including stocking trucks, scheduling internal crews, and making arrangements for mutual aid should the need arise. Rest assured that your cooperative is ready and will respond to outages as soon as it is safe to do so. In the event that outages do occur, you can report them here: Stay up-to-date by visiting the Outage Center page at and by liking us on facebook.

Icy and windy conditions can cause significant damage and make it difficult for crews to access locations where repairs are needed. We are encouraging our members to prepare now for the potential of extended outages.

You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours during a winter storm. You may need to get by without power or tap water. It’s a good idea to separate some of these supplies into backpacks. That way, your kit will be more portable, and each person can personalize his or her own grab-and-go emergency kit. Preparing the following supplies in advance (NOW) can help lessen the impact of an emergency:

  • Water for drinking. At least two liters of water per person per day; include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order. Don’t forget to store gallon jugs of water for cooking and cleaning.
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries, candles, and matches
  • Manual can opener.
  • Non-perishable food are foods that won’t spoil, such as canned food, energy bars and dried foods. Replace food and water once a year.
  • First aid kits and other items such as prescription medication, infant formula, equipment for people with disabilities, and backups for medical supplies.
  • Food, water and medication for your pets or service animal.
  • Move livestock to sheltered areas with non-frozen drinking water.
  • Extra blankets and layers of clothing
  • Alternative heat source
  • Battery-operated radio
If using a generator, do so safely. You can find more information at

For more tips on how to be prepared, visit


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