Stone Soup Book Discussion


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“Summer Classics” Book Discussion of “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera
Come read and discuss this philosophical novel about a man and two women and their lives in the Prague Spring of the Czechoslovak Communist period in 1968. Mark Twain defines a classic as a book which people praise and don’t read – Now’s your chance to READ one!

Join us for a fun, informative book discussion. Free, drop in book discussion. Books available at Stone Soup Books. Our kitchen stays open late for light dinner fare, beverages or desserts prior to book discussion. Stone Soup Books and Café, 908 W. Main St., Waynesboro 540-943-0084,

Event Date: Tuesday 15th of June 2010 07:00 PM

Location/Address: Stone Soup Books & Cafe, 908 W Main St, Waynesboro VA 22980

Contact Telephone Please call 540-943-0084 for more information


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