Afton : Learning your family tree @ The Rockfish Valley Fire Department


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE for the latest updates:Photography by Tommy Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Rockfish Valley Fire Department
    Afton, Virginia
    crowd line

    If youare, a Phillips, a Rittenhouse, Bryant, Turner, Wood, or even a D’Ambola (no not the Piney River D’Ambolas, or the ones at Schuyler, just kidding) then you were probably at their annual family reunion at the RVFD Sunday. We are no relation, none that we know of, but several folks insisted we had to see this annual event. We agree! We hear these names everyday, but never had the opportunity to meet many of them until this past weekend. Very neat.

    Above, Lousie Phillips Wade center, explains the family tree to Yvette on the left. On the far right is Dennis Phillips, son of Zack Phillips. Mrs Wade is the mother of Linda D’Ambola, yes that D’Ambola of Afton!

    Phil Pie
    Phil D’Ambola, husband of Linda D’Ambola, see above to connect the dots…just can’t seem to get away from the kitchen! Here he slices up a pie for the crowd.

    Lina’s mother
    Yes, that would be Mrs. Hazel Phillips, Lyna Watson’s mother. The Lyna Watson of Wintergreen hardware. Confused yet? Good thing they all had name tags on!


    1. ran across pics of my family reunion 07. we lost dad zack phillps 1 yr later he was actually buried on labor day 08. lost my brother dennis new years eve 2010. would love to have more pics of that reunion. it was the last one we all attended as a family. you may reach me at 803 257 4174 it would mean so much melissa phillips purvis


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