Nelson Drug Court Effort Receives $700,000 In Federal Grant Funding



In the Fall of 2021, the Nelson County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office began efforts

to establish an Adult Drug Court in Nelson County. In March of 2022, stakeholders in the Drug

Court attended training provided by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. In

May of 2022, the Nelson County Drug Court was approved by the Supreme Court’s Drug

Treatment Court Advisory Committee.

During the Spring and Summer of 2022, the Nelson County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s

Office sought federal funding through the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance’s

FY 2022 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program. The Nelson County Commonwealth’s

Attorney’s Office submitted a competitive application for approximately $700,000 over four

years to provide for staffing, supplies, and other activities for the Drug Court. On September 28,

2022, the grant was awarded. As a result, funding is secured to implement the previouslyapproved

Nelson County Drug Court without significant financial contributions from the citizens

of Nelson County.

Nelson County Commonwealth’s Attorney Daniel Rutherford noted that “the Office of

the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Nelson County deals with the disease of addiction every day.

Implementing Drug Court has been a priority for my office, as it could bring long term

rehabilitation for addicts and healing for their families. This will help create a healthier and more

prosperous Nelson County.”

The Nelson County Drug Court will accept non-violent substance-using felony

defendants into an 18-month intensive program designed to promote sobriety and reduce repeat

offenses. In order to graduate, participants in the Court will have to demonstrate extended

sobriety, seek and maintain employment, and lead a crime-free life in order to have their charges

reduced or dismissed. The Nelson County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office looks forward to

opening the Drug Court to Defendants in the coming months.

More information about the Grant can be found at:


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