Nelson : Separate Cars Accidents Takes 3 Lives : Updated 11.18.21


Updated 12:10 PM 11.18.21 with additional info from VSP on Craigtown / Dowdy Road fatal:

“At 7:56 a.m. on Monday (Nov. 15), Virginia State Police responded to a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of Craigtown Rd. and Dowdy Ln.

A 2008 Ford F450 was traveling north on Craigtown Rd. (Route 639) when it attempted to make a left turn onto Dowdy Ln. (Route 771) and collided with a 2004 Toyota Avalon traveling south on Craigtown Rd.
The driver of the Toyota, Boddie R. Williams, 33, of Shipman, Va., died at the scene. He was not wearing a seatbelt.

The driver of the Ford, Adelson O. Arriaza Morales, 25, of Chesterfield, W.Va., was not injured in the crash. He was wearing a seatbelt.

The crash remains under investigation.

Shelby Crouch
Public Relations Coordinator
Virginia State Police”

Updated 5:30 PM 11.16.21 with additional info from VSP on Lovingston fatal:

“Virginia State Police is investigating a fatal pedestrian crash in Nelson County. The crash occurred Nov. 15, 2021 at 3:35 p.m. on Front Street at the intersection of Brookside Lane in Lovingston.

A 2018 Ford F-150 pickup truck was westbound on Brookside Lane when it made a left turn onto Front Street and encountered a pedestrian standing in the southbound travel lane. The Ford was unable to avoid striking the pedestrian.

The pedestrian, Andre P. Derdeyn, 84, of Lovingston, Va., died at the scene.

The driver of the Ford, Michael R. Doucette, 66, of Lynchburg, Va., was not injured in the crash. He was wearing a seatbelt.

No charges will be placed. Sun glare was a contributing factor in the crash.

Corinne N. Geller
Public Relations Director
Virginia State Police”

3:45 PM
Breaking update: Crews are now working another fatal accident in Lovingston. It appears to be a pedestrian struck by a car, but info is very fresh and more details to follow later.

Nelson County, Virginia

Different car accidents in the past couple of days have taken the lives of two people. The first was just before noon Saturday this past weekend.

Virginia State Police released the following information on that crash during the afternoon Monday.

“At 11:42 a.m. on Saturday (Nov. 13), Virginia State Police responded to a single-vehicle crash on Route 56, approximately a half-mile east of Eagle Mountain Rd.

A 2014 Toyota Camry was traveling east on Route 56 when a tree fell onto the vehicle. The Camry then ran off the right side of the road, struck an embankment and overturned.

The driver, Emmagene M. Olah, 80, of Shipman, Va., died at the scene. She was wearing a seatbelt.
The crash remains under investigation.” Shelby Crouch, Public Relations Coordinator, Virginia State Police

The second accident happened Monday morning, also in East Nelson near the community of Shipman. We first reported on that accident in this post.

BRL has confirmed this was another fatal traffic accident and are awaiting the formal information from VSP. We will update that information here as soon as it’s received.


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