Nelson County, Virginia
Here’s something you don’t see everyday. Our friend John Howard up at Wintergreen awoke to find a bear cub inside his home around 1 AM Thursday morning. The bear can be seen in the video below hanging out in the loft of an upstairs landing in the house. What was more frightening was the mama bear showed up on the deck to protect her cub. You see how it all unfolds here in the video John’s letting us share.
Language alert.
Yes, there’s some profanity folks, I think we can understand why!
Let’s roll that video above
John says,
“Stardate 090718 12:58am Wintergreen, VA…I awoke to what I thought was a mouse getting into something in the kitchen imagine my surprise to find this…(no one was harmed in the making of this video and sorry for some colorful language) I got the little guy out of the house safely”