©2015 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Vendors and festival goers enjoyed a warm spring day for the annual Nelson Community Day held this past Saturday - May 9, 2015.
©2015 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Vendors and festival goers enjoyed a warm spring day for the annual Nelson Community Day held this past Saturday – May 9, 2015.
Nelson County, Virginia
Perfect summer like weather was the backdrop for the 2015 Nelson Community Day this past weekend. It was held on the ground at Devils Backbone Brewing. The event supports local cancer patients in Nelson County via Giving Hope Foundation, Inc.
David Hill, candidate for Nelson sheriff was out greeting folks.
Billy Mays, Nelson Sheriff’s candidate and his crew were on hand.
Many silent auction items were available.
Lots of arts and crafts.
One of the biggest hits was the minions!
Two opposing sheriff’s candidates having a handshake. Mike Thompson (left) and Vasco Wright (right)
Now that’s a vintage classic fire truck!
Jacob Allen and friends provided entertainment tghroughtout the day.
Nelson’s Jacob Allen on stage at Nelson Community Day.
The event was a big opportunity for candidates to campaign.
And one of the popular favorites, the face painting.
See you next year!
Great event – great foundation!