Blue Ridge Life Welcomes Woody Elliott To The Family

BRLM is pleased to bring back our famous outdoor column from years past. Woody Elliott will be penning the Embrace The Adventure segment each month.
BRLM is pleased to bring back our famous outdoor column from years past. Woody Elliott will be penning the Embrace The Adventure segment each month.
BRLM is pleased to bring back our famous outdoor column from years past. Woody Elliott will be penning the Embrace The Adventure segment each month.

Central Virginia Blue Ridge
Years ago when we were still Nelson County Life Magazine, our bud Christina Kline wrote our outdoor column. Years later we unfortunately lost Christina to the mountains of Colorado where she still lives today. She’s loving life there!

Christina Kline was our original outdoor columnist when the magazine started back in 2005. She continued writing the column for years. She eventually moved to Colorado. We stay in touch with her today and she's doing well!
Christina Kline was our original outdoor columnist when the magazine started back in 2005. She continued writing the column for years. She eventually moved to Colorado. We stay in touch with her today and she’s doing well!

Lots of people have asked us about starting the outdoor column back up. Say no more! Enter Woody Elliott.

(Right) Woody Elliot in his debut column above from our current April 2015 issue.

“I would like to congratulate Blue Ridge Life Magazine, Tommy and Yvette Stafford on TEN YEARS of energetic coverage of the community. I have known Tommy & Yvette for the last 5 or 6 years. They have been enthusiastic supporters of the events I ran with Devils Backbone Brewing Company. Here is to another 10 plus years of continued success!

Next, I want to thank Blue Ridge Life Magazine for the opportunity to write the new Outdoor Column, Embrace the Adventure. When they approached me with their concept, I was all over it. Since the early to mid-90’s, my friends and I have been exploring various areas of the BRL Community from the Blue Ridge Parkway to Charlottesville to Harrisonburg and back mostly by mountain biking and trail running.”

As the owner of Dirty Series of Events LLC (DSE LLC), his company has been hosting many off road events across the state over the last 8 years. Most recently, DSE LLC produced the trail running and mountain bike races for the Devils Backbone Brewing Company – Basecamp under the name of the Devils Backbone Adventures. For the last 8 years, DSE LLC annually produces a unique mountain bike points series called the Virginia Off Road Series (VORS). VORS promotes over 20 mountain bike events, which hosts many events in the BRL Community, based on a unique points series ( DSE LLC consults and produces events with the Virginia State Parks and in particular with the James River State Park in 2015(more details to follow). DSE LLC also consulted with Wintergreen Resort on their Cliffhanger Challenge Mountain Bike Race.

Bottom line, Woody is constantly looking for ways to connect people with the great outdoors. Since discovering the sense of adventure in the early 90’s, he has taken on mountain biking, trail running, kayaking, rock climbing, hiking and many other facets of exploring the great outdoors. Whether on top of Whistler, BC to discovering Irish Gap, Va in Amherst County, he embraces the adventure and makes the most of them all.

Woody Elliott is known far and wide for his involvement in outdoor biking, racing and a wide list of fun adventures in the Blue Ridge.
Woody Elliott is known far and wide for his involvement in outdoor biking, racing and a wide list of fun adventures in the Blue Ridge.

Not only will Woody be writing about races, biking and the like, he’ll be covering just regular fun outside for enyone to enjoy, whether you are involved in competitive sports or not.

Be looking for much more from Woody in the coming months and years.

Have an idea or comments for Woody? Email him here: Embrace The Adventure


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