VDOT Unveils Proposed Changes to Route 151 : Via ABC 13

©2008-2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Back in 2008 the speed limit on Route 151 was changed to 45 MPH from Greenfield to south of Nellysford. - Now VDOT is proposing additional changes to the very busy two lane road to combat increased traffic along the highway.
©2008-2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Back in 2008 the speed limit on Route 151 was changed to 45 MPH from Greenfield to south of Nellysford. – Now VDOT is proposing additional changes to the very busy two lane road to combat increased traffic along the highway.

Nelson County, VA
More changes are on the way for people driving along the northern half of Route 151 in Nelson County. Concerns over increased traffic and a past history of numerous fatalities has VDOT continuing their improvements along the road to help keep cars moving.

In 2007 a community group called Project 151 approached VDOT and the county about making improvements to the highway. A major expansion project was done at Greenfield Road and 151, the site of an auto accident in August of that year that killed a mother and her two children.

ABC-13 in Lynchburg has more about the proposed improvements in their story above.


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