CVEC Contractors Head To The Sky To Clear Limbs Near Power Lines

©2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : A contract air crew uses this unique vertical saw array hanging below a helicopter to clear branches away from power lines Thursday afternoon - October 16, 2014 in Roseland, Virginia.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : A contract air crew uses this unique vertical saw array hanging below a helicopter to clear branches away from power lines Thursday afternoon - October 16, 2014 in Roseland, Virginia.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : A contract air crew uses this unique vertical saw array hanging below a helicopter to clear branches away from power lines Thursday afternoon – October 16, 2014 in Roseland, Virginia. Click on photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia
Contractor crews for Central Virginia Electric Coop have been taking to the skies over the past few days to clear limbs from power line right of ways across the county. The odd looking saw seen hanging way below a helicopter was seen working in the Roseland area of Nelson County, Virginia on Thursday.

Video By Tommy Stafford : Click on our Instagram video above to see a short clip of the air saw in action!

The chopper and saw are part of a routine maintenance program CVEC uses to clear limbs away from power lines to prevent branches from falling on them later in thunderstorms or ice storms.

The very long saw with multiple blades hangs way below the helicopter. The pilot maneuvers the saw in place slicing off limbs from trees near power lines. Many locations along bluffs and hillsides are impractical to reach by conventional methods.
The very long saw with multiple blades hangs way below the helicopter. The pilot maneuvers the saw in place slicing off limbs from trees near power lines. Many locations along bluffs and hillsides are impractical to reach by conventional methods. Click on photo to enlarge.

Be looking for the strange helicopter and saw hanging around over the next few days as more limbs are cleared.


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