Nelson County, VA
A large crowd of people turned out Tuesday night for the first public presentation by executives from Dominion Transmission regarding a proposed natural gas pipeline through Nelson and adjoining counties.

After some opening remarks by the BOS the meeting was turned over to Dominion. Several points were made by their representatives saying eminent domaine would be used only as a last resort and that surveying in Nelson would begin around the end of August.
-“Minimum distance requirement between home and pipeline is 25 feet” — answer from Dominion replying to question from west district supervisor Bruguiere.
-“Construction easement 125 feet, maintained easement shrinks to 75 feet” Dominion
-“Goal is to not be close to homes.” Dominion.
These were a few of the points highlighted by Dominion. Several grassroots anti pipeline organizations including Free Nelson were following play by play during the meeting. Click on their link in the paragraph to read those.
Friends of Nelson is also another group working closely in opposition to the pipeline.

CBS-19’s story above.