It’s A Wrap! – Nelson County High’s Production Of Grease A Huge Success

©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photos & Captions By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Teen Angel (Lance Carpenter) sings "Beauty School Dropout" to Frencie during the Saturday night production of Grease on March 8, 2014 at Nelson County High in Lovingston, VA
©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photos & Captions By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Teen Angel (Lance Carpenter) sings “Beauty School Dropout” to Frencie during the Saturday night production of Grease on March 8, 2014 at Nelson County High in Lovingston, VA

Nelson County, VA

The musical production of Grease ended as a huge success this past weekend at Nelson County High in Lovingston. Students with the drama department there cranked out several nights of the musical including a Sunday afternoon show as the finale. All of this in spite of Old Man Winter trying to put a stop to it with an early March snow.

Danny (Drew McCarter) tells the rest of the Greasers about the girl he met over the summer
Danny (Drew McCarter) tells the rest of the Greasers about the girl he met over the summer
The famous Drive Inn scene between Danny and Sandy.
The famous Drive Inn scene between Danny and Sandy.
To see all of the pics from Paul's shoot of Grease, click on the photo above to head on over to his gallery. He's got dozens more shots over there to view!
To see all of the pics from Paul’s shoot of Grease, click on the photo above to head on over to his gallery. He’s got dozens more shots over there to view!


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