Collaborate : Two Breweries Once Special Belgian Quadrupel Beer Being Made (With Audio)

©™2013 Bleu Ridge Life : Photo By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : (L to R) Jason Oliver Head Brewmaster at Devils Backbone Brewing (Roseland) Brian Martin, former US Army and the inspiration for the collaborative brew, Taylor Smack, head brewmaster & co-owner Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton, Mitch Hamilton, brewer at BMB, and Matt Nucci, co-owner & brewer at Blue Mountain all pose for a pic this past week while working on a special Belgian Quadrupel beer that will be ready in a few weeks.
©™2013 Bleu Ridge Life : Photo By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : (L to R) Jason Oliver Head Brewmaster at Devils Backbone Brewing (Roseland) Brian Martin, former US Army and the inspiration for the collaborative brew, Taylor Smack, head brewmaster & co-owner Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton, Mitch Hamilton, brewer at BMB, and Matt Nucci, co-owner & brewer at Blue Mountain all pose for a pic this past week while working on a special Belgian Quadrupel beer that will be ready in a few weeks.
©™2013 Blue Ridge Life : Photo By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : (L to R) Jason Oliver Head Brewmaster at Devils Backbone Brewing (Roseland) Brian Martin, former US Army and the inspiration for the collaborative brew, Taylor Smack, head brewmaster & co-owner Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton, Mitch Hamilton, brewer at BMB, and Matt Nucci, co-owner & brewer at Blue Mountain all pose for a pic this past week while working on a special Belgian Quadrupel beer that will be ready in a few weeks.

Listen as Taylor Smack describes the special collaborative brew between Blue Mountain & Devils Backbone. Hit the orange and white arrow to play.

Afton / Roseland
Nelson County, VA

Many times in the past as part of the area’s Brew Ridge Trail mini-guild of Central Virginia brewers Blue Mountain Brewery & Devils Backbone have worked together on collaborative brews, but this is their first project working only with each other. “I met Brian Martin at Sedona Taphouse in Charlottesville during a Blue Mountain event there. He told me he had a few very rare beers–including a 1996 Westvleteren 12, which would sell on Ebay for hundreds of dollars–that he wanted to get together with me and taste. So we set up a private rare beer tasting at Sedona and I called Jason, because that kind of beer has to be shared with other brewers in the know. During the tasting, Brian was effusive about Blue Mountain and Devils Backbone being his two favorite breweries. He convinced us to get together and do a collaboration brew of his favorite style, the Belgian Quadrupel,” said Taylor Smack, co-owner of Blue Mountain. From there the idea took off and the group got together over the past week or so at both breweries to make their own versions.

Photo By Tommy Stafford : Mandi Smack, co-owner Blue Mountain Brewery, is joined y her husband and co-owner Taylor Smack and Jason Oliver, head brewmaster at Devils Backbone Brewing in Roseland this past Monday - November 4, 2013 as the trio worked on Devils Backbone's version of the Belgian Quadrupel.
Photo By Tommy Stafford : Mandi Smack, co-owner Blue Mountain Brewery, is joined y her husband and co-owner Taylor Smack and Jason Oliver, head brewmaster at Devils Backbone Brewing in Roseland this past Monday – November 4, 2013 as the trio worked on Devils Backbone’s version of the Belgian Quadrupel.

“An enormous beer often approaching 11 or 12% alcohol by volume. Jason and I have worked together on many of the Brew Ridge Trail collaboration brews and have always enjoyed collaborating, so we figured why not? Thus, I now have a freaky high-octane brew bubbling away,” Taylor added.

Jason and Taylor tell is the special brew will be ready in a few weeks!




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