Nelson: Afton / Greenfield : Missing Pet – Located : Update – Out Of Surgery

Photo Ed & Barbar Funke: Greta this female German Shepard is missing from the vicinity of Blundell Hollow Rd & Route 151 in Afton. Greta dug her way out from a fenced in area on Friday night August 23, 2013.
Photo Ed & Barbar Funke: Greta this female German Shepard is missing from the vicinity of Blundell Hollow Rd & Route 151 in Afton. Greta dug her way out from a fenced in area on Friday night August 23, 2013.

Afton / Greenfield
Nelson County, VA

Update 8.27.13 8:30 PM

Ed Funke Greta’s owner emailed us tonight with this great news.
“Greta is in recovery, they feel she’ll pull through! WOO-HOO and kudos to VT! She’ll be assessed by the orthopedic surgeon for possible surgery due to pelvic fractures. I hope the worst is behind us. Sincere thanks for you concern, as well as posting her on your site.”

We have received word Monday evening (8.26.13) that Greta has been found, unfortunately she’s been hit by a car and is enroute to the the vet.

Updates as we know.

Original post.

Not too far up the road on Blundell Hollow Rd (former MountainSide Petting Farm) we got the request to put out the word on missing Greta, a female German Shepard. Her owners, Barbar & Ed Funke say she’s been missing since Friday night – August 23, 2013. “She is a pure bread Shepard (looks like the classic Rin Tin Tin in color), weights about 75 pounds, has on a pink reflective collar with a red heart with her name and our phone numbers. I have increased from a $100 reward to a $500 reward,” Barbara says.

Their phone number is: 434-465-3543

If anyone see Greta the Funke’s would greatly appreciate your help!


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