Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, VA
Everyone got on their Mardi Gras best as part of the annual tradition at Wintergreen Resort. Wintergreen Adaptive Sports puts on the event each year around this time as ski season is getting close to winding down. There may be a few more weeks left, but the colorful parade on the slopes always signals the end isn’t far away.

According to WAS:
“The afternoon was filled with tubing races and the popular synchronized ski contest. Finally, at the end of the day, staff and volunteers gathered under the tent in the parking lot near the Hut for a Cajun Supper and announcement of volunteer awards.”

“Mardi Gras at WAS is held every year in honor of the program’s first student, Vince Fiore. He was an avid skier, and the fact that he had only one leg did not dampen his enthusiasm for sport or speed or athletic endeavor. His spirit of joyful determination is what we celebrate every year in our students and our volunteers,”
according to the WAS.
See you on the slopes next year and on the water this summer!