Nelson: A Chittlin Good Time In Piney River

Photos By BRLM Photographer Marcie Gates: A.D. Massie supervises as BRLM Photographer / Writer Marcie Gates tries our her very first chitterling at the 55th Annual Piney River Fire Department Chitterling Dinner on Saturday – February 16, 2013. The event raises money for the volunteer department.

Piney River
Nelson County, VA

Ok, we’ve sent Marcie Gates out on some pretty tough assignments before, but this past Saturday’s may have been the toughest! Marcie covered the 55th Annual Piney River Fire Department Chitterling Dinner for us. And, apparently she felt obliged to sample the delicacy while she was there. Here’s a few lines from her upcoming story:

“It was only after a little gabbing around the water coolers that Ronnie Wood and a Mr. A.D. Massie convinced me to try my first bites of this swanky dish. I eventually, but reluctantly, handed over my camera, knowing the potential for capturing a priceless facial expression outweighed my fear of actually eating a couple bites of fried pig intestines. When in Piney River, right?”

Right Marcie! After all it’s part of the job!

To say it was a packed house would be an understatement. Marcie tells us lines were all the way back to the entrance and beyond at times.
Volunteers serve up chittlins’ and chicken (for those not brave enough to eat them) at the 55th Annual Piney River FD Chitterling Dinner – February 16, 2013.
See all of the pictures from the dinner by clicking on the image above to head over to our BRLM Facebook album.

So just how did Marcie fair after this assignment? Find out in our upcoming March 2013 printed issue of Blue Ridge Life Magazine!


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