Afton: The Blue Toad Celebrates One Year Anniversary

©™2012 Nelson County Life : Photos By Yvette Stafford : Kids and Adults spent Friday afternoon and evening celebrating the one year anniversary of The Blue Toad in Afton, VA.

Nelson County, VA

Back in July of 2011 we told you about Todd Rath and his Blue Toad Restaurant getting ready to open. On October 12, 2011 they officially opened the inside. Blue Toad is in the former building D’Ambolas restaurant was operated out of for a number of years by Phil D’Ambola and his wife Linda.

Folks enjoy a game of corn hole under the tent at The Blue Toad as part of their 1 year anniversary celebration this past Friday - October 12, 2012

In addition to lots of fun outside for the kids and adults, there was music and all sorts of specials to celebrate the one year anniversary.

Congrats Blue Toad!


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