Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, VA
Folks living in and near Wintergreen Resort may have noticed a mild increase in security and a few unfamiliar official faces around the resort property. That’s in preparation of the arival of VP Candidate Paul Ryan, who’s expected to get there sometime Tuesday night. NCL in conjunction with CBS-19 were the first to confirm the visit during the afternoon on Tuesday.
Our media partners over at CBS-19 pickup the story:
The Mitt Romney campaign announced late Tuesday morning that Vice President nominee Paul Ryan will fly into Charlottesville Albemarle Airport on Tuesday evening.
The campaign tells CBS19 that after he arrives, Ryan will get into a vehicle and then travel by motorcade to another location. CBS19 an our media partner Nelson County Life have independently confirmed that Ryan will travel to Wintergreen Resort in Nelson County where he will prepare for next week’s vice presidential debate.
Ryan is scheduled to appear at a rally with Romney on Thursday in Augusta County. It is not clear if Ryan plans to stay in the area until that rally.
A spokeswoman with Albemarle County police tells CBS19 that their department has very little to do with this visit. That would indicate that there likely won’t be road closures Tuesday evening.
As soon as we get more information, we will pass it along.