Wildflower Symposium At Wintergreen Nature Foundation

Just one of the many plants at the 2011 Wildflower Symposium coordinated by The Wintergreen Nature Foundation.
Photos By Paul Purpura, Mountain Photographer : ©2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Folks gather in front of The Wintergreen Nature Foundation this past weekend for one of the many events during the Wildflower Symposium.

Nelson County, Virginia

For years the Wintergreen Nature Foundation has been putting on its Wildflower Symposium. This year it was held from Friday May 13th until Sunday May 15th.

The Symposium offers workshops on harvesting and breaking dormancy of wildflower seeds, how to grow ferns from spores and how to grow native shrubs from cuttings. The Nature Foundation uses seeds, spores and cuttings from the Blue Ridge region in their landscape restoration efforts.

People at the 2011 Wildflower Symposium make birdhouses as one part of the 2 day event held at Wintergreen.

Regional artists were on hand to share their work and offer workshops with nature and wildflower themes. Speakers included experts from the Commonwealth who work with Virginia’s rare plants as well as those who grow them.

Just one of the many plants at the 2011 Wildflower Symposium coordinated by The Wintergreen Nature Foundation.

Wintergreen Nature Foundation on the web: http://www.twnf.org/


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