Intense rains that began Saturday morning ad rescue crews busy in the afternoon as homeowners and motorists are coped with rising flash flood waters. The intersection of Routes 250 and 151 in the Albemarle County side of Afton was the scene of a Rockfish Valley Fire Dept. rescue of a family trapped in their house as it sat surrounded by water. In Greenfield, the river at Rt. 635 temporarily closed the road with cars turning around. Water over roads in nearby Nellysford also reported.
Around 6PM Saturday night Nelson County Sheriff David Brooks reported all of these roads closed. : Nelson Road Closures – Roseland Rd, Ennis Mtn Rd, Chapel Hollow Rd, Crabtree Falls Hwy, Rosemill Rd, Afton Mtn Rd, Glenthorne Loop. As of Sunday morning, many of the roads reopened to traffic, but some have been permanently closed awaiting repairs.
Let’s give credit where credit it due. It was the two gentlemen (See pic w/ Ms. Pace holding dog & other lady holding baby) that rescued this family not the fire dept. The fire dept arrived AFTER the rescue had taken place. It was thru Robert Smith’s tow rope that he & the other gentleman courageously tied to the tree’s & window sill & then waded thru close to 6 feet of water and helped the family to safety. Robert even carried the baby to safety (my hubby the hero!) Way to help our extended neighbors out honey – YOU ROCK! Other Guy – YOU ROCK TOO! Thanks for helping this family & my Husband out; it’s more courageous citizens like them that we need! God Bless you both & the Family!!
Those purple insect traps are for Emerald Ash Borer. This insect is devastating to the ash tree in some parts of the country. These traps are to help in determining if they are here and at what levels.
Let’s give credit where credit it due. It was the two gentlemen (See pic w/ Ms. Pace holding dog & other lady holding baby) that rescued this family not the fire dept. The fire dept arrived AFTER the rescue had taken place. It was thru Robert Smith’s tow rope that he & the other gentleman courageously tied to the tree’s & window sill & then waded thru close to 6 feet of water and helped the family to safety. Robert even carried the baby to safety (my hubby the hero!) Way to help our extended neighbors out honey – YOU ROCK! Other Guy – YOU ROCK TOO! Thanks for helping this family & my Husband out; it’s more courageous citizens like them that we need! God Bless you both & the Family!!
Those purple insect traps are for Emerald Ash Borer. This insect is devastating to the ash tree in some parts of the country. These traps are to help in determining if they are here and at what levels.
T. Bruguiere