Nelson County, Virginia
Back in July of 2010 we told you about Lynn Coffey and her most generous gift to Nelson County’s Museum of Rural History. During that presentation Lynn donated a complete set of her Backroads Newspaper / Magazine. That’s 25 years worth of Nelson County history. Preserved. Lynn told us then that she had several issues missing to make the 25 years complete. Over the past several months she’s done it! Except for one issue, that is. “All I need now is March 1984 and I will have every issue to donate the entire 25 years worth of publishing to the the museum,” Lynn recently told us.
So here we are asking for that final issue needed. March 1984.
Nelson County Life has made the same offering and is providing the museum with all of our issues from start to the current issues being printed.
If you can help Lynn out, please contact her. If you have this issue lying around or know someone that does, give Lynn a call at: 540.949.0329 for more info and to arrange pickup or mailing expense.
Lynn Coffey, is the author of the Backroads books; Plain Folk & Simple Livin’ and The Road to Chicken Holler
On the web at: www.backroadsbooks.com
More background and stories about Lynn by clicking here.