GRASP Officially Kicks Off In Nelson : 10.8.10

Photo By Yvette Stafford : ©2010 : Tim Hess (center) partner in Wintergreen Real Estate Company, discusses their sponsorship with GRASP and The Community Foundation Central Blue Ridge. Click any photo to enlarge.
Photo By Yvette Stafford : ©2010 : Tim Hess (center) partner in Wintergreen Real Estate Company, discusses their sponsorship with GRASP and The Community Foundation Central Blue Ridge. Click any photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

This past Thursday afternoon, October 7th, GRASP (Great Aspirations Scholarship Program) officially kicked off their program in the Nelson County High School. GRASP is a collaborative educational opportunity along with the Community Foundation Central Blue Ridge. GRASP is a non-profit organization specializing in helping students and their families, regardless of financial resources, to develop an educational plan for after high school. GRASP’s professional financial aid counselors work in high schools and private settings, without charge to students and families, to assist in overcoming financial and motivational challenges to the goal of higher education.

Wintergreen Real Estate Company in Nellysford is a sponsor of the initiative in Nelson County High School.

“The opportunity for students in Nelson County to have an extra resource to help them seek funding for college or trade school is huge. With the current economic climate and the rising costs of higher education, it is clear that local students can benefit from leveraged financial aid assistance so that they may pursue educational opportunities beyond high school,” says Becky Kohler, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge.

A reception was held this past Thursday night at WREC in Nellysford to officially announce the kickoff in the Nelson County High School.
A reception was held this past Thursday night at WREC in Nellysford to officially announce the kickoff in Nelson County High School.

GRASP strives to provide every high school student with an equal opportunity for continuing education, regardless of financial or social circumstances. Founded in 1983 by Virginia State Senator Walker Stosch and Dr. Raymond Garguilo, it helps students develop educational plans for after high school by placing a financial aid advisor in local schools to work alongside school staff to leverage financial aid opportunities for colleges and trade schools.

Hank Thiess (right) General Manager of Wintergreen Resort in Nelson County, Virginia talks about GRASP at Thursday night's reception.
Hank Thiess (right) General Manager of Wintergreen Resort in Nelson County, Virginia talks about GRASP at Thursday night's reception.

In 2009, each dollar invested in GRASP’s in-school advisor program leveraged $114 in financial aid for GRASP students, amounting to $31.3 million in financial aid and scholarships.

For more information on GRASP you can click on the links above or call their 24 hour hotline: 804.323-6996


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