Earl Hamner & The Waltons Cast – Special TV Reunion October 18th : 10.4.10

All Photos Courtesy of INSP : ©2010 www.insp.com : Nelson County, VA native and The Waltons creator, Earl Hamner, Jr. on the set with the original cast members of the popular television series. A special television reunion is set for October 18th. Click on images to enlarge.
All Photos Courtesy of INSP : ©2010 www.insp.com : Nelson County, VA native and The Waltons creator, Earl Hamner, Jr. on the set with the original cast members of the popular television series. A special television reunion is set for October 18th. Click on images to enlarge.

Los Angeles, California
For roughly two years fans of The Waltons have not been able to view the highly popular series in reruns. The long running CBS television series was created by Nelson County, Virginia native, Earl Hamner, Jr. who was born and raised in Schuyler. The show was loosely based on his childhood in the Eastern Nelson County community. On October 18th a special reunion featuring many of the original cast members will air on a new cable television network called, INSP, short for Inspiration. The special television reunion will air at 7PM EDT followed at 8PM by the very first episode of The Waltons. According to a promotion placed on YouTube, reruns will then air on the network.

Nelson County native, Earl Hamner, Jr. on the INSP reunion set.
Nelson County native, Earl Hamner, Jr. on the INSP reunion set.

The above video is a behind the scenes look at the filming of the special Waltons Reunion that will air October 18th on INSP.

Ralph Waite (center seated) who played John Walton in the series and Michael Learned (right) who played Olivia Walton, go over notes with a member of the production staff during the shooting of the reunion series.
Ralph Waite (center seated) who played John Walton in the series and Michael Learned (right) who played Olivia Walton, go over notes with a member of the production staff during the shooting of the reunion series.

Unfortunately, according to INSP’s cable system finder, the television network is not currently available in the Nellysford 22958 / or Lovingston 22949 zip on cable or in the 22902 zip for Charlottesville, but does show available on DirecTV Channel 364 and DishTV Channel 259.


  1. Tommy,

    A reunion…..what a great event! And to think that most of Nelson will miss it…how sad.

    Question: Is there a dish at RVCC or Nelson High? If so, could it be linked to a big screen TV for all to see?

  2. Anybody know if the Oct 18 broadcast will be included in any of the channels of Joe Lee’s Direct TV lineup?

  3. My husband and I look forward to watching the Waltons every weekday from 3:00-6:00 EST on the Hallmark Channel! I hope they will show the “Reunion Special” that was supposed to be shown on Oct. 18, 2010! If only there were good, wholesome programs that the children (and adults) could watch, instead of the trash that is being forced on the public! It’s no wonder our country is so messed u… anything goes! God Bless Earl Hamner!

  4. What was the season and title of the episode when Ralph Waite’s character went to work in the Newport News (VA) shipyard?

  5. I would like to ask some questions about some of the reuniuon shows. What happened to John Curtis Willard. What happened to Ben and Cindy’s son charles. I remember that their daughter died.But no meantion of him.

  6. Please bring us the early episodes of the Waltons, such happy times, especially during this time in our lives; when we need some wholesome moves. My husband and I go back and forth to the Hallmark channel than to INSP.
    The reality shows that are currently being shown on prime time are in such poor taste, and on top of that we are paying good money for cable, satellite television to broadcast such trash.


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