Pick-Your-Own Apples and Pumpkins at Dickie Brothers Orchard


Event Image
Come to one of Virginia’s most beautiful “Century Farms”, Dickie Brothers Orchard and pick Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and yummy Empire apples – .50¢/lb.
Pumpkins – .25¢/lb.

Other Favorites:
Sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, ornamental gourds & corn, cake and cobbler mixes, apple sauce, apple butter, cider, honey, jams & jellies.

Enjoy one of the most beautiful views in the valley and have an apple or two…

Open Mon-Sat, 8AM-5PM
Sunday 10AM-5PM

Restrooms available
Handicap accessible


Event Date: Saturday 18th of September 2010 08:00 AM

Location/Address: 2552 Dickie Rd., Roseland, Va 22967

Contact Telephone Please call (434) 277-5516 for more information