Board Of Supervisors Budget Work Session : 3.30.10


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, and Mr. Allen Hale

GENERAL FUND: Ms. McCann presented revised General Fund
revenues/expenditures to reflect changes based on receipt of preliminary
Compensation Board numbers for Commonwealth employees. State reimbursement
of salary and benefits for the Commonwealth offices (Clerk of the Circuit
Court, Commonwealth Attorney, Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue and
Sheriff) would be reduced by $65,537 from the current fiscal year (FY10).
Supervisors expressed the need to maintain parity for compensation of these
employees with other County employees, but frustration at the complexity of
state reimbursement rules. Ms. McCann reported that staff is exploring the
possibility of converting two job positions that will soon be vacant into
part-time, 30-hour per week positions. However, the Compensation Board has
not yet responded on how its rules would affect its 50 percent support for
the two positions.

Mr. Hale stated that the County should not have to make up the entire
shortfall in State support for the Commonwealth offices, and those offices
should be able to absorb a portion of the shortfall with savings in other
parts of their budgets. Examples, mentioned were postage expenditures in
the Treasurer’s office and elimination of the DARE program in the Sheriff’s

Staff reported that they are considering limited delays in filling positions
that will soon be vacant in Tourism, Building Inspections, Planning,
Maintenance, as well as the Treasurer and Commissioner of Revenue offices.
The savings might also allow an upgrade in the planning and tourism
positions to deputy positions.

Mr. Carter said the FY11 budget is manageable, but he is concerned that the
FY12 numbers could be much more difficult. He added that after the current
Courthouse project is completed, further phases will need to be funded –
relocation of County, Health Department and School Board Staff and
renovation of the existing Courthouse building.

SCHOOL FUND: The latest estimates for a balanced General Fund permits
$109,316 for contingencies, but there is still a shortfall in the revised
School Fund of $179,835. Current estimates assume the purchase of only two
of the usual four school buses in FY11, with money for the other two buses
going to support the School Board’s operating budget. Mr. Hale and
Bruguiere supported the idea of buying no buses and applying the additional
money saved to contingencies in the General Fund.

Considering the increased support for the school’s operating budget and its
agreement to help with roof replacement and window repair at Tye River
Elementary, the Board was not inclined toward making up the entire remaining
shortfall in the school budget. However, it was decided to defer a decision
on the remaining shortfalls in the School and Commonwealth office budgets
until their next meeting on April 13 (when Mr. Harvey and Mr. Johnson have

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