Blue Ridge Parkway
Nelson County, Virginia
For the first time in months, all of The Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia is now open. The December 19th blizzard shut the parkway down for weeks. It briefly opened for a few days then another series of storms kept it closed in Nelson until Tuesday of this week when the final section between milepost 0 and MP 13 at Reed’s Gap opened for normal travel.
Listen to today’s report by clicking the play button below:
[audio:https://blueridgelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/BRP-REPORT.mp3|titles=BRP REPORT]

It’s not unusual for the BRP to be closed for weeks on end during the winter months, but this year has been unique since recent winters have not been as severe.
No chance of snow up there in the near future! Temps today will be in the 50’s to near 60° on the parkway warming to the mid 60’s by the weekend.