Paws With Claus @ Blue Moon Antique Mall : 12.13.09

©2009 : Photo by Diana Garland : Santa poses with Blue Moon owners, Larry Whitaker (left) and Judy Barnes and their pets at the annual Paws With Claus SPCA benefit.
©2009 : Photo by Diana Garland : Santa poses with Blue Moon owners, Larry Whitaker (left) and Judy Barnes and their pets at the annual Paws With Claus SPCA benefit.

Nelson County, Virginia

Santa is not just for kids! What about Rover and pretty kitty? For several years now, Larry Whitaker and Judy Barnes, owners of Blue Moon Antique Mall in Lovingston, have opened their doors to Almost Home SPCA for their annual Paws With Claus fund raiser. It gives pets a chance to get their photo made with Santa, just in time for Christmas! We’ve been telling you about the unique event for several years.

Photo By Yvette Stafford : Folks trickled in with their pets all afternoon this past Sunday to have their pictures taken with Santa!
Photo By Yvette Stafford : Folks trickled in with their pets all afternoon this past Sunday to have their pictures taken with Santa!
Once the picture was taken, it was printed on the spot and put into a nice holiday card frame! Neat!
Once the picture was taken, it was printed on the spot and put into a nice holiday card frame! Neat!

If you’d like to check out more images and order additional ones from the shoot follow this link! Very nice! Diana Garland took some very, very nice photos!

Almost Home SPCA on the web:


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