Way To Go Tim! : 9.18.09

Screen Grab Courtesy of CBS-19 Charlottesville, VA : ©2009 Gray Television, Inc : Tim Gorman of Skate Nelson being interviewed this week.
Screen Grab Courtesy of CBS-19 Charlottesville, VA : ©2009 Gray Television, Inc : Tim Gorman of Skate Nelson being interviewed this week.

Nelson County, Virginia

Tim Gorman knows how to make great wine and he knows how to make a skate park! We’ve been telling you about Tim’s mission for weeks. His real job is owner of Cardinal Point Vineyard and Winery, but his other passion is skateboarding.

This past week Tim was interviewed by CBS19 in Charlottesville about his recent completion of Nelson’s first skate park at RVCC.

You can read their story here and see the interview.

Congrats Tim, and good luck on Phase II of the evolving skatepark!


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