Veteran CBS Newsman, Walter Cronkite, Dead At Age 92 : 7.17.09

©2009 CBS News : A screen grab from CBS Friday evening annoucing Walter Cronkite's death.
©2009 CBS News : A screen grab from CBS Friday evening annoucing Walter Cronkite's death.

New York, NY
Rarely do we cover stories of national significance here on our site. But, this Friday evening we are making an exception. Veteran CBS Newsman Walter Cronkite is dead at age 92. He died in a NY hospital after being seriously ill over the past several days. Like most in my age group, we remember Cronkite either as a child watching black and white television with Cronkite reporting on stories that seemed a lifetime away back then. Others were already adults as he reported on news long before cable news was ever thought of.

My most vivid memory was that of Cronkite reporting on Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon. I was just a kid sitting in the floor shelling purple hull peas with my family, watching history being made.

Whether you like Cronkite or not, knew who he was or not, he certainly is a news legend.

The complete CBS news story by clicking here.


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