Nelson County High’s EuroNelson Trip Continues : France to Spain! : 4.17.09

Photos By Mallory Crandall : ©2009 NCL Magazine : The NCHS Foreign Language Student pose at Park Güell in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
Photos By Mallory Crandall : ©2009 NCL Magazine : The NCHS Foreign Language Student pose at Park Güell in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

Europe – All Over!
As we have been following for several days, present and former students in the Nelson County, Virginia High School’s Foreign Language Department have been traveling all over Europe lately.

We got a few updated photos this morning from Mallory Crandall of Roseland who is along on the trip. It’s been tough for her to get internet access and solid information at times, but we think the most recent photos are from Paris and Barcelona. The top photo was titled, Park Guell, in a brief message so we think we have narrowed it down to the right place. Fingers crossed and no calls from former geography teachers!!

She did email later and confirmed it.
Mallory tells us, “We are here in Barcelona now. That’s the group shot with the lizard. The train ride pic was from Paris to Carcassonne. l’ll put more later.” So it sounds like everything is going great for them on the trip!

The group aboard a train on their trip from Paris to Carcasone.
The group aboard a train on their trip from Paris to Carcasone.
Mallory Crandall (left) poses with friend Martina Cook in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
Mallory Crandall (left) poses with friend Martina Cook in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

We’ll update with more detailed information as we hear from the group traveling abroad!


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