3-car wreck at Rts. 151 and Old 6

Rt. 151 and Old Rt. 6 - Afton, Virginia. Courtesy: Google Maps
Rt. 151 and Old Rt. 6 - Afton, Virginia. Courtesy: Google Maps

We are getting reports of a 3-car accident at the intersection of Rt. 151 and Old Rt. 6 (Afton Mountain Road). Crews are responding to a possible entrapment. More as we know it …


  1. Linda was trapped in her car, but she is doing fine now I brought her back from the hospital about an hour ago. Thanks to all the EMS people and all the other individuals that helped at the scene.
    Inattention by the driver of the panel truck was the cause.
    Thank god for curtain air bags, they did save Linda from more serious injury.

  2. Oh Phil, we hope Linda is doing okay!

    What a terrible thing to happen…..We hope to see Linda back at the restaurant with her big smile soon!!

    Our best wishes for a speedy recovery and thoughts are with you, Linda, and your family.

    Tommy, Yvette, and Adam.

  3. Tommy, Yvette and Adam: Thank you for your kind thoughts and flowers. We are all very, very fortunate. I want to thank all the people who assisted at the accident, especially the Volunteer Rescue team. For fear of missing someone, I will say I remember several smiling faces telling me I was OK. I really needed those words and appreciate the people who took the time to offer assurances. Now may I rant?

    Yes, the 5-airbag option that I purchased with the car worked. I never dreamed I would test it. You know how I feel about the speed on Rt. 151 – it needs to be 45mph all the way to Rt. 250. I want to thank you for your efforts to make the changes that have already reduced the speed for a small portion of the road. A slower speed has the potential of allowing people to be more attentive. On Friday the vehicle that was rear-ended on Rt. 151 was pushed into the on-coming traffic which had just passed. After the inattentive vehicle bounced off of the van waiting to make a turn, it came onto Avon Road as I was approaching the stop sign. The vehicle that hit me was moving quite fast and turned my car headon into the bank with him.

    Several years ago I sent an email to VDOT HQ in Richmond complaining about the missing 45mph cautionary sign on the northbound lane before the Avon Road intersection. VDOT came and installed 8 route directional signs and has never replaced the 45mph cautionary sign. The holes are still in the post – it would have been easy to replace. It is a mystery to me why VDOT does not get it. The only conclusion I can come to is incompetence. We are not victims of speed and inattention, but blatant, bureaucratic incompetence. Someone at VDOT who is responsible for the situation on Rt. 151 is collecting a paycheck at the taxpayers expense and is asleep at the switch! He or she may be a very nice person, but is completely incompetent for the job.

    The local people know most of the trouble spots on Rt. 151, but the tourists, day-workers and delivery vehicles do not know the community, the traffic patterns, or the serious issues that we have on Rt. 151. It is a community at risk all the time from speeding vehicles. I am asking that you have another meeting to push VDOT to extend the reduction of the speed limit all the way to Rt. 250. Do more people have to be injuried or die for this to happen? The community has changed, and VDOT is clueless!!! Neighbors near BBT tell me that there have been at least 7 serious accidents in front of the bank. Everyone who travels Rt. 151 is on a death road, and VDOT either does not care or does not get it!

    Thanks for listening to the rant – I guess I feel better already!

  4. Linda – I just noticed this article on the website and Debbie and I are very glad to hear that you are doing better and we will be thinking of you during your time of recovery. We haven’t been up much lately but look forward to seeing you and Phil at your restaurant (and eating your delicious food). We wish you and your family a joyous and thankful holiday season.

    Warmest Regards, Bruce.


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