UPDATED: Tactical Team to Assist in Manhunt at Davis Creek Road

A Nelson County Sheriff Deputy searches a truck believed to have been driven by the suspect.
A Nelson County Sheriff Deputy searches a truck believed to have been driven by the suspect. Photo by Diana Garland

Near Lovingston – Nelson County, Virginia

Update 5:20 PM EST
Sheriff David Brooks tells NCL that a search of Spencer’s home came up empty. He is still at large at this point as the manhunt continues. Spencer’s general description is a white male, 6 feet and thin build.

Earlier posts:
Update 3:30 PM EST
Sheriff Brooks tells NCL they have located the earlier described truck at the fugitive’s home off of Davis Creek Road. They have a perimeter setup around the area and are continuing their search while other officers obtain court orders to go more in depth in their search.

Law enforcement officers surround a home while in pursuit of fugitive, Lee Spencer.
Law enforcement officers surround a home while in pursuit of fugitive, Lee Spencer. Photo by Diana Garland

A tactical team and search dog is on the way to the scene of an aerial and land manhunt in the Davis Creek – Perry Lane area of Nelson County north of Lovingston and west of U.S. 29.

The sheriff was in the process of serving Lee Spencer a misdemeanor warrant for domestic abuse when he fled and a pursuit began by authorities.

The sheriff is urging residents in the area to lock their doors and call the Nelson Sheriff’s office at (434) 263-7050 if you the truck described or any other suspicious activity in the area.


  1. hey i was wondering this question is for diana garland….where were you standing when you took these pictures?

  2. Hello Diana I am sorry I missed you on my property on November20,2008. My land is where you were standing when you took those pictures of my sister,s truck. There is a problem in order for you to take those pictures you were trespassing. In case you missed it there is a NO TRESPASSING SIGN AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ROAD. THE PRIVATE ROAD WHICH YOU DROVE UP. If you would like to check with the county I can assure you they will confirm that it is a named private road, not a driveway or pulloff, but my shared PRIVATE road with the rest of the residents that live on BARN HILL LANE . Let me repeat for you and Paula and everyone else. BARN HILL LANE. At the present time I am considing trespassing charges against you and the magazine. But in the meantime you are not an invited guest to my home or property and I am assuming there will not be a repeat. Mary H. Phillips 123 Barn Hill Lane

  3. well i asked the question where was she when she took those pictures and they erased my question…..thanks MARY for answering my question!!! now i have a new question why was my question/comment from before erased? i thought we could all make comments…..paula, and victor got to make comments, are we saying your magazine doesnt want valid questions answered on here……unless it makes since for your purposes?

  4. you’ll have to excuse me ncl, when i checked back it didnt show my comment….but it does now, so sorry for the why is it erased comment!!!!

  5. First, no one’s comment are erased from this site unless they contain abusive language or vulgarities.
    All comments are placed into a moderation cue and reviewed before they post to the web. No comments on this site are automatically posted. Period.

    Let’s hit all of your concerns “Nelson Gossiper” since you refuse to use your real name.

    -First we have no idea where you are getting your information about the radio traffic being put out that a trooper had been shot and then the suspect shooting himself. No such radio traffic took place according to authorities. As for the charges, we obviously can’t speak for police, but do know they were serving a misdemeanor assualt warrant, and a state Order of Protection on Mr. Spencer. The Order of Protection is issued in cases where the court has reason to believe that serious harm would come to another person. A judge makes that decision based on evidence. I personally served over a hundred of these in my previous law enforcement career first as a deputy sheriff early on then later as an administrator, long before entering the news and publishing business.

    Second, we dispatched Ms. Garland to the area of the (active police manhunt) at the time. She was there at our request, if you have a problem, take it up with us. In active police scenes, it is proper policy to be where police are as long as they have no objection. Nelson Sheriff, David Brooks was aware of our photographer’s presence and she was always behind police lines. Shooting with telephoto lenses. Again in active police scenes (pursuit and manhunt in this case) it is considered accepted policy to be where the police units are as long as they are aware of your presence and have no objection. I assure you, Ms. Garland was well outside the perimeter of any secured areas and was not purposely trespassing, if that was the case.

    Our magazine staff has well over 30 years of combined news gathering experience in both network television and print all over this country – in situations far greater than last weeks. We pride ourselves on being accurate and following proper news gather techniques always.

    Tommy Stafford

  6. let me assure you she was trespassing. out side the perimeter is my land . thats why she needed the zoom lens. this is america and private citizens still have rights. i stood in that perimeter for hours. you should know better. and purposely or not she was trespassing. mary

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