FABER : The Nelson LoveChild Rebirth!


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE

    Photography & Story By Tommy Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
    Faber, Virginia

    Above, Jenny Sioux Hopkins of Faber, shows off one of the original shirts from the 2007 batch.

    We told you last year about Deborah Justice and Jenny Sioux Hopkins and their Nelson County LoveChild shirts. The hot weather got both of them in the mood to crank out the new ones for 2008. “We have people ask us about them all of the time,” says Deborah. The pair came up with the LoveChild concept last year, which has been in high demand ever since.

    Jenny Sioux, and Deborah Justice, co-creators of the Nelson County LoveChild shirts work on a new batch for the coming summer.

    Above, Deborah, dips one of the hundred or so shirts into a pan of dye to give it the unique pattern.

    In a backyard just off Route 6, they began working on the shirts this past week. Each of them is dyed by hand and prepared for the Love Child design.

    The process is very slow as each shirt is dipped into several different pans of dye.

    Jenny Sioux cuts rubber bands from one of the shirts after the dyeing process.


    You can learn more about the Nelson County LoveChild shirts by heading to: www.nelsoncountylovechild.com


    1. You go girl
      I’m proud of my sister. These T shirts are a beautiful representation of life, beauty and care.


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