Nellysford : 2008 Evening of Art, Music, and Cuisine at Spruce Creek Gallery : HUGE SUCCESS!


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE

    Photography By Tommy & Yvette Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
    RHOP Evening of Art Music and Cuisine
    Nellysford, Virginia

    If there was ever a most perfect setting for RHOP’s (Rural Health Outreach Program) annual Evening of Art Music and Cuisine, this past Friday night was it! Any of you that have attended in the past may remember though highly successful, the event always seemed to plagued by the rain fairy! Not for 2008, the weather was perfect!

    The grounds at Spruce Creek Gallery, where this makes the 10th year the event has been held, was packed with people enjoying the evening and raising lots of money for RHOP.

    RHOP-22V HW
    Hilary Whitehead, yep the that would be daughter of BRMC Executive Director, Peggy Whitehead, serves up some of the scrumptious food prepared by Claudia Gibson!

    Judy Rendich, one of the main coordinators of the annual RHOP gala, holds up one the many wonderful items in the live auction. Yea, that strange auctioneer would be that Tommy Stafford fellow of Nelson County Life Magazine! Not to worry Bo Newell, I have lots to learn about the auctioneering biz!

    Many area businesses and artists donated their work for the live auction.

    Charles (Flick) Flickinger, was one of the many artists performing live demonstrations of their work. Mmmm, his subject posing looks very familiar!

    Mongrel along with The Honey Dewdrops provided lots of great live music throughout the evening!

    Taylor Smack, co-owner of Blue Mountain Brewery, looks on as Rockfish Wheat is tapped for…uhhhh, me! BMB donated their custom beers for the evening’s event.


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