Wintergreen, Virginia : Weather : Tuesday : Becoming Sunny : Warmer Week Ahead


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


Photography By Catherine Lively
For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Great Blue Heron On The Rockfish River
Nelson County, Virginia

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There’s a hint of milder weather in the air lately. Yea, the nights are still cold, but have you noticed the the buds on the trees? The buttercups starting to come up, and even the grass looks a little greener lately. That’s a sure sign warmer weather is on the way. Heck, Spring starts in less than two weeks. That means you should start thinking about your garden. Ken and Yvonne Harris at a.m. Fog on the Nelson-Albemarle County Line along Route 151 have been getting their plants ready all winter long so you’ll be able to plant this coming Spring. Have you ever been there and met those guys? What a nice couple! They’re products are as close to farm as possible. You won’t find ingredients you can’t read or pronounce at their place!

They specialize in local produce and meats like:

-Hydroponic tomatoes and cucumbers
-On Farm & Locally Grown Lettuce
-Local, organically Raised Farm Eggs
-Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention all of the other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with lots of fruit trees ready for the spring planting! Spring begins on March 20!

And coming soon, that new farm market we just mentioned, featuring hot teas & coffee, muffins, and bread. They’re open now, but be looking for the grand opening of the new and larger farm market in just a few days!

Visit them on the web at or call them at 540-456-7100.

Nelson County High School Marching Governors

The Nelson County High Marching Governors Band continues as our highlighted music this week. And don’t forget the NCHS boy’s basketball team plays this coming Wednesday night in the state semi finals in Richmond. You can see lots of pictures from their last game and get all of the details of the upcoming game by clicking here.

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Click the image above for the ski and slope conditions at Wintergreen Resort.

Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 60°/49° – RAIN MARCH: 2.80″
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 51°/25° – RAIN MARCH: 3.32.”
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : °59/46° – RAIN MARCH: 4.37″
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Winery @ Beech Grove, VA : 57°/26° – RAIN MARCH: 3.51″
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 57°/26° – RAIN: 0.00″ Monthly Total Currently Unavailable
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 59°/31° – RAIN: 0.00″ Monthly Total Currently Unavailable
Monday’s High / Low at NCL-Mini Tara Vineyards @ Arrington, VA : 58°/33° – RAIN: 0.00 Monthly Total Currently Unavailable

Want to remind about something we’ve recently added to our site. Rss IconWe have a handy RSS Feed link on the top right of our site in two different spots. Our site’s always had the capability, but this makes it easier to subscribe. Simply click on either one up there in the upper right and then you can use the RSS Reader of your choice to stay up on anything happening from our site. For those of you that aren’t familiar with RSS, click here and you can read more about it. Just about every modern internet browser has the capability to subscribe to RSS Feeds built in. RSS keeps you from having to manually check the site to see if something new has been posted, RSS automatically keeps up with it for you. It’s great for severe weather or breaking news events. Try it out!

A quick thanks to Catherine Lively for the weather photo up above at the top. She recently sent really nice shot of a Great Blue Heron dropping in for a little lunch on the Rockfish River. We appreciate Catherine sending us the photo, and remind you if you’d like to send a picture in of something nice for the weather, simply send it to: weather -at- Instead of using “-at-” use @ – we put that there to keep those nasty internet robots from grabbing our addresses and sending us spam!

Monday was a fairly pleasant day for the first full day of EDT vs EST. We’re on the summer hours until way on later this year in the fall. Was kind of strange being out in the late afternoon hours with plenty of daylight. We’ve got lots of time left before the days get shorter, that occurs in late June., till then, look for the daylight getting longer until then.

Temperature wise Monday was fairly pleasant if your were out in the sun. There were some light breezes that made it feel kind of cool, but most everyone made it near 60° for an afternoon high. The mountains reached the lower 50’s. Overnight Monday after midnight, some areas picked up light rain or drizzle, even some light snow showers in the some of the mountain areas, but nothing to get excited over. Technically precipitation, but otherwise not much. The remainder of the week is pretty uneventful and temperatures will slowly rise each day making it feel like a precursor to Spring. There is a chance for rain back in the forecast by Friday, but temperatures remain relatively mild during the period. Overnight, lows don’t even go below freezing after tonight in the valley regions, and barely dip below 32° on the mountains between now and Friday.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Rockfish, Colleen, Humpback Rocks, and Hickory Creek

Tuesday: Becoming sunny and pleasant.
* Highs Valley: 55-58°
*On the mountains: 47-50°
*Winds: W 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Becoming partly cloudy. Lows valley: 30-33° : Mountains: 24-27° : Winds: SW 5-10 MPH

Wednesday: Sunny & warmer.
* Highs Valley: 61-64°
*On the mountains: 49-52°
*Winds: W 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT:Partly cloudy. Lows valley: 34-37° : Mountains: 28-32° : Winds: NW 5-10 becoming L & V

The remainder of the week looks generally dry with temps continuing to warm into the low & mid 60’s. By Friday rain reenters the forecast. Overnight lows generally mid 30’s to low 40’s valley during that period, slightly cooler mountains.

The Nelson County High Marching Governors Band takes us out with Ran Kan Kan
from their 2006-2007 CD.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Know your Nelson.COM


Here’s some additional info Taylor sent along about the band:
Our Show this past year was featuring music from Styx. In the show, there was a drum break where the whole band danced, I actually recorded it and put it on In that video they had just learned the dance about 30 minutes before that. Thats how good these kids are!

The Band begins in the summer at the end of July and the beginning of August for Band Camp which is usually about 2 weeks long for some of them. The days go from 8am-5pm, then once school starts its 2 hours after school 3 days a week, 4 days a week when we have a game or competition. So a lot of practice on the field and off the field goes into our show. Then our completions we travel all over. We have been locally to Staunton, Stuarts Draft, and Amherst. Then we go all the way to Harrisonburg to JMU and we then went to Richmond. In previous years we have been the Danville, Lynchburg, and 3 years ago we had the chance to travel to Disney World and march down towards the castle. We also perform yearly at the Christmas Parade in Lovingston. All this is usually done from the end of July to the Beginning of December. Marching Band is our biggest ensemble of the year. Let me know if you have any questions, I think I covered all of our bases.

Here are our results from our competitions this past year:
The Nelson County High School Marching Governors concluded their season with a competition at Mills E. Godwin High School in Richmond Virginia.

2nd Place Drum Major Frankie Walton

2nd Place Drumline

3rd Place Color Guard


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