Beech Grove : Bus Loses Control on Route 664 & Ties Up Traffic Sunday : UPDATED 3.4.08 : PHOTOS & COMMENTS


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    Additional Photos Updated: 3.4.08 Scroll Down To View

    Photography By Merideth Young
    For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
    Beech Grove, VA


    Around dark Sunday evening a passenger bus traveling down Route 664 through the Beech Grove community lost it’s brakes and rear ended another vehicle (See comment post via Wintergreen Fire Chief Curtis Sheets) The crash caused minor injuries and tied up traffic along the two lane stretch of highway connecting the entrance to Wintergreen Resort and The Blue Ridge Parkway. The accident caused some minor injuries and at least one person was transported to the hospital, but as of Sunday evening, no injuries were reported to be life threatening.


    Thanks for the photos Merideth! Appreciate it!

    And Tuesday Evening Chief Curtis Sheets E-mailed these to us as well, taken by Firefighter Barry Eastep
    Thanks for the photos Barry!

    Photography By Firefighter Barry Eastep
    For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
    Wintergreen Fire Department
    Beech Grove, Virginia









    1. Iam one of the survivors of the bus accident sunday evening and their were no major injuries no one was transported to the hospital all 36 people on bus returned back home that night around 1:30 am. Thanks to our prayers to our God Jehovah and the skills of the bus driver who was also praying hard we didnt hit anything but the tree when we stopped. No other vehichle was hit. We are all Jehovah’s Witnesses and we put our faith and trust sorely in him and he saved us.

    2. I work with someone who was in this accident and I cannot tell you how thankful everyone in our office is that he, and everyone are back home and safe! We are thankful to God for all the EMT’s, State Police, and those involved in assisting to get our friend and everyone in the accident safely back home! Thank You All and God Bless You!

    3. Ms. Robinson & Ms. Black, we couldn’t have said it better. The police, fire and rescue personnel here in Nelson are some of the best, and from what we hear they did an excellent job on the scene this past Sunday.

      We are very fortunate to have such a great group of folks, and like you we are so glad everyone came out of the accident in good health!

    4. I was also a survivor of the accident. I can thank our Great God Jehovah along with the help from the very kind and generous people in the area for helping us through this tramatic experience.It was amazing to me how calm everyone on the bus was and how cooperative they were. Harvey Black’s Driving skills was truly tested, And He Did An Excellent job!! He handled that bus like a trooper. Hoyat, who was able to get off the bus ahead of time also did a great job in directing traffic away from the oncoming bus, thus avoiding injuries to others outside of the bus. With our Grand Creator Jehovah’s help,we all made it out alive with minor injuries and no other vehicles was hit.Many lives were spared. Again I want to thank everyone involved in assisting us in this tramatic experience. The Polce,EMTs did an excellant job.

    5. I am the Chief of Wintergreen Fire & Rescue. I was the second unit for our department to arrive on scene. I must say, I found the group to be very calm and cooperative, given the situation, as well as the amount of smoke coming from the bus.

      We have identified the “runaway bus” scenario as being one of our most likely major emergency events, and have thus trained extensively around this scenario. We immediately implemented our plan, and everything worked without a flaw. We immediately responded three ambulances, two fire engines, a heavy-squad truck, and two response vehicles. Our neighbors from Nelson County “marked-up” enough manpower for four additional ambulance, and our neighbors from Augusta County launched two ambulances. All of these ambulances were quickly turned around as their services were not needed. There were no injuries at the scene, and all passengers, as well as luggage were loaded onto four shuttle vehicles which were provided by the resort for transportation back to the resort where they were fed as they awaited alternate transportation. (all part of the plan)

      The confusion regarding “one patient transported to the hospital” may have come from our transporting a patient from the resort through the scene of the bus accident. Two completely separate incidents.

      Wintergreen Police did an excellent job with traffic control until the Sheriffs Office and State Police could get vehicles in position. Wintergreen Road Maintenance did a great job mobilizing a broom tractor and manpower to reopen route 664 which was a mess.

      Stoney Creek Auto, as usual, were very quick to respond with equipment and expertise that many communities 5 times our size could only dream of having access to. Hats off to those guys!

    6. Thank you Chief Sheets for the clarifications. As you stated, the plan went off without a hitch from what we heard. You guys have done and continue to do an excellent job!

    7. My wife and I want to give a hardy THANKS to the first responders, to those motorist and locals who assisted us in our time of need. We had just finished up a 3 day stay at Wintergreen where all 36 of us had a great time!!!! All involved treated our group with alot of professionalism, respect, and most of all a true caring attitude. Losing your brakes while going down a mountain was to say the least SCARY, however our prayers were answered by our God Jehovah and by the skills of our bus driver, Harvey.

    8. I am one of the survivors of this bus inccident and 1st and foremost I would like to thank our loving God Jehovah for answering our prayers and saving us from that horrible accident. I also would like to give 4 thumbs up to our driver Brother Harvey Black. He drove down the hill and he it those turns with ease, and without drip of sweat. And i would like to thank Brother and Sister Black for this wonderful and beautiful trip to Wintergreen, Virginia. And as Ecclesiastes 9:11 brings out “Unforeseen Events.” So this experience has showed me what a wonderful time I had with my fellow brothers and Sisters and what mighty power ou God Jehovah truly has.

    9. I am a daughter of one of the passengers and I am truly glad everyone made it out of the crash safe and hoping that the ones who had minor injuries are okay, I want to give a special thanks to the Great Creator Jehovah God…………


    11. I am one of the surviviors of the accident. I have to say that this was by far the scariest event i have ever experienced in my life but i am so grateful that Jehovah answered the prayers of all those involved. I still have not stopped thanking Jehovah for saving us. Beacuse of him and Mr. Harvey’s excellent driving skills, no one was seriously injured. I’ve never seen anyone handle any kind of vehicle the way he did. I thank everyone on the mountain for their help and support. Romans 12:10 tells us “in brotherly love have tender affection for one another.” We really demonstrated that in the way we helped each other out and stuck together as a family. I hope everyone is feeling better… Take care… love always… MyKeyia

    12. We are survivors of this accident. We would
      like to Thank The Almighty God Jehovah for
      bringing us out of this situation with minor
      bruises and pain. The town of Nelson showed
      that they our truly our neighbors. Thanks to
      Mr. Gale and his wife Linda, You gave us shelter and drink when we were tired and Thirsty. Thank you Harvey Black for relying
      on Jehovah. Love to all of our brothers, sisters, and the rescue of Nelson County.
      love always Clarence and Angela Bagby

    13. I am one of the survivors of this accident. I am truly thankful to Jehovah God for seeing my family and I through. I am also thankful for the love the neighbors extended to us. I am thankful for Harvey our bus driver. Jehovah answered our prayers and protected us. Im continually thanking Jehovah and the people that helped us out.
      Love Always,
      Nicole and Roberto Outland

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