Reader Sends Kudos The NCL Way!


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE

    Monday NCL received this very nice e-mail:

    Nelson Martin wrote:

    Thanks for an outstanding web site. Every day I log on to hear about Nelson
    County News and weather. I usually get to Monticello High School around 6:30am
    and I start my teaching day with your report. Now I have about a dozen other
    staff members also listening to your news updates about Nelson County.
    I teach a Marketing Class and even my students love your web site. The
    students said is a great web site it follows all the target market and
    marketing mix we studied in class.

    Tommy, super job. I enjoy your morning update and I Love Nelson County

    Have a great Nelson County Day.


    Nellysford, VA

    Nelson, we are touched by your kind thoughts and hope we can continue to earn the trust of readers like you. And a big hello to your fellow teachers and staff along with the folks in your marketing class!

    Have a great week,


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