Beech Grove : Lovingston : Almost Home Pet Memorial Stones just completed!


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    Photography by Tommy Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Almost Home Pet Stone Memorials
    Beech Grove, Virginia

    Many of you remember Millington pictured below, one of the founding beagles of Nelson County Life Magazine. You’ll probably remember that we had to let the little guy go last year in November. His body just couldn’t hang on any longer and we had to put him down the first of November 2006.
    Millington in 2005 going along for deliveries of the magazine.

    It’s hard letting go of a pet, we know all too well. But one of the best ways you can honor and remember you pet is with a nice marker once they are gone.

    Kathy & Stones
    Above, Kathy Miller of Foxfire Gifts in Beech Grove, shows some of the new memorial stones just completed. Millington’s is in the lower left corner.

    For years Kathy has been making the markers from scratch and donating her time and materials to The Almost Home Pet Adoption Center in Lovingston. She been taking the orders then custom molds a stone. Many folks like us get two, one for the pet’s actual grave and another for the memorial walkway at the adoption center. Recently she’s been teaching someone else how to do the work. “It’s going to by Peyton Coyner, a local stained glass artist from the Nellysford area. He’s taken it over and I have trained him,” says Kathy. Kathy tells us the markers have made thousands and thousands of dollars for the shelter to be used in the care of animals there.

    stones close
    Above, a closer look at the types of stones Kathy and Peyton are able to make. The smaller stones with one paw print & name for a cat or dog cost $50.00, the larger custom stones with the pet’s name on them and two paw prints, cost $100.00. All of the money goes to The Almost Home Pet Adoption Center. A smaller generic stone can be purchased for $15.00

    If you’d like to buy a stone for your pet or a friend who’s lost a pet, you can contact Almost Home at: 434-263-7722 or the Almost Home Thrift Store in Colleen at 434-263-8788.

    Kathy says the new thrift store on 29 South has been raising about $5000.00 per month for the Almost Home Shelter. That’s been enough to cover the cost of the shelter’s spay and neuter program. They spay and neuter at least 50 animals a month at the local center.


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