In Spite Of New Signs – 2 Trucks Block Reeds Gap Again On Thursday

Photo courtesy of Maddie Crandall : Another semi blocks the roadway near the Nelson-Augusta County Line at Reeds Gap on Thursday - October 29, 2020. Shortly after this photo was taken another semi trying to get by this one shown got stuck. Two semis then blocked the pass until crews could get them cleared.
Photo courtesy of Maddie Crandall : Another semi blocks the roadway near the Nelson-Augusta County Line at Reeds Gap on Thursday – October 29, 2020. Shortly after this photo was taken another semi trying to get by this one shown got stuck. Two semis then blocked the pass until crews could get them cleared.

Reeds Gap
Blue Ridge Parkway
Near The Nelson-Augusta County Line, VA

By Tommy Stafford

If you’re keeping count, this makes 6, yes, 6, semi trucks in the past 10 days that have gotten stuck and blocked the area near Reeds Gap on Route 664 where it crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway. The latest happened Thursday when another semi got stuck, then another trying to get by got stuck as well.

The 2 trucks that became stuck on Thursday happened after a lot of attention has been shined on the subject by local emergency crews and VDOT during the last couple of weeks.

Photo by Tommy Stafford : A portable VDOT just before the Route 664 / 151 intersection in Nelson County, Virginia warns truckers the route ahead through Beech Grove and over the Blue Ridge Parkway through Reeds Gap is not advised for truckers.

Semi trucks have long been getting caught on Reeds Gap and Brents Gap for decades, but not at the frequency seen lately. It appears the trucks that have been getting stuck lately have been heading for a specification destination in Nelson versus just passing through. There’s also a guess that GPS and map databases may have been updated in the last few weeks send trucks through the route in error.

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