Wintergreen Snow Sports At Pro Jam in Vermont

Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2008 NCL : Mount Snow, Vermont
Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2008 NCL : Mount Snow, Vermont

Mount Snow, Vermont
Our Paul Purpura is out of the state for the next few days in school up in Vermont. Most of you know that Paul is also a ski instructor at Wintergreen Resort during the winter months. He and 6 other folks from the Wintergreen Snow Sports School are there. “Pro-Jam is a week long seminar where ski instructors from all over the Eastern United States come to improve their skiing and also become better instructors. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and see old ones as well,” Paul said in an e-mail to us Monday evening.

Looks like those guys will get lots more snow from a system that will be affecting us later in the week.

Stay warm up there Paul!


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