Nellysford : Basic Necessities Celebrates 20 Years This Friday – June 9 , 2017

Photo Courtesy of Basic Necessities : Kay Pfaltz (L) and Judy Nelson at the bottom of the sign post in 1997 when Basic Necessities first started. This Friday - June 9, 2017 Basic Necessities will celebrate 20 years during a special get together starting at 2pm.
Photo Courtesy of Basic Necessities : Kay Pfaltz (L) and Judy Nelson (co-founders) at the bottom of the sign post in 1997 when Basic Necessities first started. This Friday – June 9, 2017 Basic Necessities will celebrate 20 years during a special get together starting at 3pm until 6PM.

Nelson County, Virginia

The year was 1997, that’s when Basic Necessities in Nellysford began! Twenty years later they are having an anniversary to celebrate two decades. It begins at 2PM this Friday – June 9, 2017.

Kay Pfaltz (Basic Necessities co-founder) back in 1997 laying ceramic tile in the what’s now the retail area of the shop that will celebrate two decades this Friday – June 9, 2017 starting at 3PM until 6PM.

Come celebrate 20 years! Plus a very special treat, Sally Rose will stop by and perform! Wine, light nibbles open to the public!



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