Afton / Rockfish Gap Turnpike
Route 151 & 250 Intersection
Albemarle County, Virginia
Updated 2:45 PM : 4.20.27
” Spring rain has delayed the installation of advance-warning rumble strips on Route 250 eastbound, which will alert motorists of the signal ahead. To provide the safest condition for full activation of the signal, VDOT will keep it in flash mode over the weekend, until the rumble strips can be installed. Regular signal operation is planned to begin Tuesday, April 25.”
Information via VDOT:
“The temporary signal at the intersection of Route 250 (Rockfish Gap Turnpike) and Route 151 (Critzers Shop Road) near the Albemarle-Nelson county line was placed in flash mode late this afternoon.
The signal and accompanying advance warning flashers will be fully operational on Thursday, April 20.
Motorists are asked to use caution driving through the area while traffic adjusts to the new traffic pattern.
A more extensive project is in development to convert the intersection to a roundabout. The safety improvement project will address a history of turning-related crashes at the high-volume intersection. Route 250 carries 6,700 vehicles per day and Route 151 carries 10,000 with about seven percent truck traffic daily on both routes. Pending funding approval, preliminary engineering on the project will begin in 2018.”
Dumbest thing I’ve seen, who is going to take the blame when someone gets killed sitting at a red light when 18 wheeler can’t stop coming off the mountain due to weight there carrying. How many trucks have wrecked trying to make right turn onto 151 without traffic light there, I know of quite a few that’s rolled over there myself
A loaded down truck will plow right through the light and/or roundabout. I know for a fact that there are many trucks that can’t slow down enough to make the turn and have to bypass it and turn around further down 250. What happens when there are four or five vehicles in a roundabout when a truck can’t stop? Ridiculous!
Which is why I personally have long advocated eliminating through semi trucks (those not making a specific delivery) completely. The time has come.