Propane Fire At Festy Grounds In Nelson : Updated 10 AM : 10.10.16

Priscilla Sonne captured the flames shortly after a propane tank leaking burst into flames causing a chain reaction of other fires at The Festy in Nelson County this past Sunday afternoon - October 9, 2016
Priscilla Sonne captured the flames shortly after a propane tank leaking burst into flames causing a chain reaction of other fires at The Festy in Nelson County this past Sunday afternoon - October 9, 2016
Priscilla Sonne captured the flames shortly after a propane tank leaking burst into flames causing a chain reaction of other fires at The Festy in Nelson County this past Sunday afternoon – October 9, 2016

Nelson County, Virginia

The investigation into what happened Sunday afternoon at The Festy where a large fire broke out after a propane tank either exploded or released fuel that cause a chain reaction fire to other nearby vendors and vehicles.

The coverage below.

Via Festy Facebook event page just after 3PM indicating they will continue with announcements forthcoming.
Via Festy Facebook event page just after 3PM indicating they will continue with announcements forthcoming.

As of 2:45 PM via The Festy Facebook page.
As of 2:45 PM via The Festy Facebook page.

2:36 PM Update and summary as we know.

According to eyewitness reports a funnel cake truck’s propane tank exploded causing a chain reaction fire to other vendor trucks nearby. Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Chief Curtis Sheets has confirmed as of this post that only one person has been transported by ambulance.

Witnesses at the scene that are emailing and texting BRL say the situation and fire are under control.

2:18 PM : WFD Chief Sheets: “One person confirmed injured and transported.”

2:10 PM : A witness at the scene emailed us and said :

“Funnel cake truck propane tank exploded and is causing a chain reaction catching row of food trucks on fire.”

2:01 PM Helicopters canceled – transports by ground

Original post : 1:55 PM EDT
Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Chief Curtis Sheets has confirmed a propane explosion at The Festy grounds in Nelson County. Three ambulances have been requested and cars are reportedly on fire.

Medivac helicopters are on way.

This is a very fluid situation – more shortly.


  1. The Festy team was so on top of things! We immediately evacuated, provided emergency care, and kept everyone as safe as possible. What a great group of caring people!!


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