Friends Of Nelson Shows Water Usage For Hydrostatic Testing Of The ACP


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Nelson County, Virginia

As the march toward the Atlantic Coast Pipeline construction nears, Friends of Nelson and other organizations fighting the pipeline continue revealing information on the effects of the pipeline.

“Dominion plans to take 3.6 million gallons of water from the South Fork of the Rockfish to hydrostatically test the ACP … and more from undisclosed locations for dust control (38 MG throughout the project).”

This information is from their Facebook post linked below. Click there for more info and a closer look.

Dominion plans to take 3.6 million gallons of water from the South Fork of the Rockfish to hydrostatically test the ACP … and more from undisclosed locations for dust control (38 MG throughout the project).

Posted by Friends of Nelson on Sunday, September 27, 2015


  1. could you delete the comments that aren’t related to this post? I’d be curious about actual responses to this but didn’t want to keep loading pages of loan sharks


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