A Look Back To 1974 When Waltons Was A Household Name


Nelson County, Virginia

Earl Hamner of Schuyler, VA is from Nelson County where our magazine is based. He recently celebrated his 92nd birthday. Earl is the creator of the highly successful TV series The Waltons. He lives in CA these days as he has for decades.

Recently we saw this article his sister Audrey shared. She still lives here in VA. A few years back I remember when she and Earl dropped by our first home up in Afton. What you see is what you get folks. Both lovely people and genuine as they come.

It was fun reading this article published way back in 1974 when the series was on top and gaining well deserved national attention. It’s a personal look into the real family that inspired the series.


Earl Hamner of Schuyler, VA is from Nelson County where our magazine is based. He recently celebrated his 92nd birthday….

Posted by Blue Ridge Life Magazine on Friday, August 14, 2015


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