Wintergreen – New Summer programs at the treehouse



I wish I was a kid again! Look at what we’re doing at the Treehouse! Families are mapping out their summer vacations now, so it’s not too early to call and reserve a spot for your child in this summer’s programs. Open to kids ages 9-14, these camps meet Monday-Friday 9 am- 4 pm.

July 2-6 Aeronautics Camp: Learn the principles of aviation by making kites
and gliders and graduate to building a remote controlled model
airplane under the tutelage of members of the Blue Ridge Area
Soaring Society.

July 9-13 Photography Camp: Marie Dennis, area photographer, will guide future
photographers with tips for seeing through the camera’s eye, using
hands on projects that demonstrate elements of good composition,
color and lighting. Bring your own digital camera.

July 16-20 Adventure Trek Camp: Have a blast caving, tubing, rock climbing,
Rappelling and snorkeling….with Jess Tucker.

July 23-27
Remote Controlled Sailing Camp: Members of the Blue Ridge Sailing
Club will guide young sailors in constructing and then racing their own
remote controlled yacht, while learning the principals of sailing.

July 30-August 3 Theater Camp: Ashley Eaton will help kids learn basic acting,
dancing and singing while performing selected pieces from the
musical “Tom Sawyer”.

August 6-10 Art Exploratory Camp: Let your imagination go wild and challenge
your creativity by glazing and firing several ceramic pieces, working
in batiking, polymer clay and acrylic painting. We will finish the week
with a gala art exhibit.

Make sure you don’t miss the Tubing Trips on the James River every Saturday in July and August for kids ages 8-14… a great way to cool off, meet other kids and have a blast! Kids in Action, Kids Night Out and Kids Night Out Campout round out our programs. Call 434-325-8180 for more information or to sign up for any of these great programs.


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