Carjacking Near Route 151 & 6E : Sheriff Looking For Suspects

The Area Near Martin's Store Intersection of 6 & 151 Where The Carjacking Began
The Area Near Martin's Store Intersection of 6 & 151 Where The Carjacking Began

Facts of a harrowing Monday morning ordeal near Martin’s Store are still under investigation by The Nelson County Sheriff’s Department this evening. According to Sheriff, David Brooks, a man was carjacked around 11 AM Monday morning near the intersection of Route 6 & 151 in the Martin’s Store area. “Two black males appeared to need help and waived down a passing driver. When he stopped they pulled weapons and jumped in the car and made the driver take off,” said Sheriff Brooks. Eventually the two made the man drive Route 60 to Eagle Mountain where they switched cars, kicked out the carjacked driver, and took off in a dirty white pickup, Sheriff Brooks says. The carjacked driver was eventually able to call for help around 2 PM.

Sheriff Brooks tells NCL this appears to be a random act and not connected to any organized group targeting the area.

As of late Monday evening, authorities were still looking for suspects.


  1. Because J,

    Many times when a person performs a Google web search for a particular event or news item, they may not be so geographically informed as you, so if they just know they are looking for a particular item near say, in this case, Wintergreen, (which could mean anything from Wintergreen Mountain…used as a catch all, to the actual Wintergreen Community which is near Spruce Creek, they would still get a match and it would take them to the post.) Tags are meant as reference words to help people locate something, that is why it is used many times, though it is not geographically at the exact location.

  2. “Why was wintergreen tagged in this story? It was no where near wintergreen.”

    Probably because 95% of folks who drive up to and back from Wintergreen, pass the intersection of 151 & 6.


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