Bold Rock Cidery Kicks Off Phase 1 Construction

Photo Courtesy of Robin Washburn : Cranes began setting trusses in place this week on the baby barn at what will eventually become Bold Rock Cidery & Pub.

Near Nellysford
Nelson County, Virginia

Travel along Route 151 south of Nellysford and you’ve probably seen some construction taking place on the left hand side of the road not to far past the old Spruce Creek Gallery. Phase 1 of Bold Rock Cidery. BRC will be the latest to join an assortment of breweries and wineries already established in Nelson County.

The smaller baby barn is for agricultural use. BRC begins crushing apples this fall. They tell us they will be buying as many apples locally as possible!

BRC recently got unanimous approval from the planning commission contingent on approvals by the Health Department, VDOT and approval of a final E&S plan.

Keep watching for more updates and welcome to the neighborhood BRC!



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